Townline Hatchery
Beak Trimming
Townline HatcheryPecking is a habit that any chicken can pick up due to various reasons. Avoid serious injury and keep your chicks safe with beak trimming. $5 Minim...
View full detailsTownline Hatchery Amberlink Chicks
Townline HatcheryA hybrid breed that is part of the Isa Brown family, the Amberlink is also a great large brown egg producer. Great as a forager, they are great for...
View full detailsTownline Hatchery Americana Chicks
Townline HatcheryThis breed was originally developed in America starting with the Chilean Araucana breed. Townline’s own breeder flock has several color variations...
View full detailsTownline Hatchery Barred Rock Chicks
Townline HatcheryAn old-time farm favorite! With high egg production and large, meaty bodies, these are perfect for a dual purpose flock. Barred Rocks have been a b...
View full detailsTownline Hatchery Black Australorp Chicks
Townline HatcheryAs a very good brown egg layer with large body size, Black Australorps are a great dual purpose breed. Their quiet, docile temperament makes them e...
View full detailsTownline Hatchery Black Jersey Giant Chicks
Townline HatcheryAccurately named, Black Jersey Giants get to be very large! Combined with their ability to lay large brown eggs, these chickens are great for meat ...
View full detailsTownline Hatchery Black Sex Link Chicks
Townline HatcheryGetting the most out of two great breeds! As a cross between the Barred Rock and Rhode Island Red, this hybrid breed ends up with excellent egg pro...
View full detailsTownline Hatchery Broad Breasted White Turkey
Townline HatcheryCommercially, the most widely used domesticated turkey for meat! The Broad Breasted White Turkey is a fast-growing and efficient meat turkey sure t...
View full detailsTownline Hatchery Buff Orpington Chicks
Townline HatcheryA very attractive, old time favorite! With a full, fluffy plumage with rich color, these birds are a popular choice of brown egg layers. Buff Oprin...
View full detailsTownline Hatchery Cayuga Ducks
Townline HatcheryMeet your new farm favorite, a heritage breed hailing from Lake Cayuga, New York. These black beauties with sheans of peacock colors will be the je...
View full detailsTownline Hatchery D'Uccle Bantam Chicks
Townline HatcheryPorcelain D'Uccle & Mille Fleur D'Uccle Make your backyard a Picasso with these beautiful multi-colored Bantams from Belgium. Pronounced “dewcl...
View full detailsTownline Hatchery French Pearl Guinea
Townline HatcheryFrench Pearl Guineas are a very popular game bird known for being a predator warning system and their pest control! This domesticated game bird is ...
View full detailsTownline Hatchery Golden Laced Wyandotte
Townline HatcheryAdd some unique coloring to your flock with the Golden Laced Wyandotte. This breed has a golden color feather with black edging commonly called “la...
View full detailsTownline Hatchery Jumbo Cornish Rock Cross Chicks
Townline HatcheryThe best quality broiler type available, these birds are bred for quick growth, broad breast, thighs, and legs. Ready to dress out in 6 to 8 weeks....
View full detailsTownline Hatchery Khaki Campbell Ducks
Townline HatcheryBred for substantial egg laying, the Khaki Campbell can even out-lay even the most efficient egg laying chicken! A very lovely domestic duck, they ...
View full detailsTownline Hatchery Light Brahma Chicks
Townline HatcheryA fun addition to any flock due to their feathered feet! The Light Brahma is a large, stately breed that is a good brown egg layer. The Light Brahm...
View full detailsTownline Hatchery Mystic Maran Chicks
Townline HatcheryIf you’re looking for “chocolate” colored eggs, then these Marans are a must have. Imported from the Czech Republic, this cross between the lovely...
View full detailsTownline Hatchery Old English Bantam Chicks
Townline HatcheryBB Red Old English, Red Pyle Old English, Silver Duckwing Old English Looking for the “classic” chicken look? Look no further, this breed gives a f...
View full detailsTownline Hatchery Olive Egger Chicks
Townline HatcheryAre olive-green eggs what you need? Then Townline’s own cross between first-generation Cuckoo Maran males with first-generation Americana hens will...
View full detailsTownline Hatchery Pearl Star Leghorn Chicks
Townline HatcheryOne of our most popular breeds for large cream-white eggs and variegated feathering. Townline’s Pearl Star Leghorns are imported from the Czech Rep...
View full detailsTownline Hatchery Plymouth Blue Rock
Townline HatcheryAdd some color to your flock with this beautiful breed! Looking for blue hued plumage, sex-link chicks, and large light-medium brown eggs? Then th...
View full detailsTownline Hatchery Rhode Island Red Chicks
Townline HatcherySee photos for order & pick up dates A popular and familiar breed for many, the Rhode Island Reds are a dependable choice for brown egg layers....
View full detailsTownline Hatchery Ring Neck Pheasants
Townline HatcherySee photos for order & pick up dates Also called the “Common Pheasant”, the Ringneck Pheasant is a popular game bird! The Ringneck Pheasant wa...
View full detailsTownline Hatchery Rouen Ducks
Townline HatcherySee photos for order & pick up dates The Rouen duck is very similarly colored to the Mallard duck, however, they are much larger and do not fl...
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