Townline Hatchery Black Sex Link Chicks
Getting the most out of two great breeds! As a cross between the Barred Rock and Rhode Island Red, this hybrid breed ends up with excellent egg production and large body size. Great for any flock!
Black Sex Links are a cross between two of the best heritage breeds – Barred Rocks and Rhode Island Reds. The outcome is a very high egg production that can reach up to 300 eggs per year depending on the quality of care and feed as well as having a plump body. They are sexed as chicks by the difference in coloring and as mature birds, the hens will be black with red neck feathers and the roosters will look like a Barred Rock rooster. Great, dependable birds for your flock!
Weight |
Males – 8lbs, Females – 6lbs |
Egg Production |
300 eggs annually |
Maturity |
20 weeks |
Egg Type |
Large brown eggs |
Lifestyle |
Preferred for free-range |
Breed Info |
AKA: Rock Reds, and Black Stars |